Kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai contoh RPP. Dan berikut adalah contoh RPP untuk Kelas XI yang membahas mengenai menyatakan pendapat atau dikenal dengan giving opinion. Dan untuk beberapa artikel terkait tentang giving atau asking opinion bisa diakses pada halaman berikut. Silahkan di cek dan semoga bermanfaat!
1.bahasainggris penjelasan-lengkap-contoh dialog opinion dan responnya
Meminta pendapat (Asking Opinion) adalah ungkapan yang diucapkan oleh seseorang kepada seseorang dengan harapan mendapat pendapat lain tentang hal sedang dihadapi. Ada beberapa ungkapan meminta pendapat (asking opinion) yang lazim digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Ungkapan yang dimaksud bis bersifat formal (resmi yang bisanya berhadapan dengan badan hukum, orang asing ataupun orang yang kita anggap lebih berumur) dan informal (tidak resmi yang biasanya dengan kawan sejawat)
Kosakata Yang Sering di Gunakan Dalam Kalimat Asking Opinion
- Formal
- Have you got any comments on…?
- Do you have any idea …?
- Do you have any opinion on…?
- What is your reaction to …?
- What are you feeling about …?
- What are your views on …?
- Excuse me, Madam. What do you feel about?
- I’d be grateful to have your opinion on …?
- Informal
- What do you think of ..?
- Wht do you think about ..?
- How do you like?
- What are your views?
- Do you think it/s going?
Kosakata Yang Sering di Gunakan Dalam Kalimat Giving Opinion
- Formal
- My own view about this issue is …
- According to my opinion, I think ..
- etc
- Informal
- I think I like it
- I don’t think I care of it
- I don’t think much of it
- I think ..
- On my opinion ..
- In my case ..
- From my point of view ..
- What I’m more concerned with .
Ratna :
you look so pale?
kamu terlihat pucat.
Sulis :
I have toothache.
Aku sakit gigi
Ratna :
see the dentist
Pergi ke dokter gigi
Sulis :
what do you think about an aspirin?
Apa pendapatmu kalau minum aspirin?
Ratna :
I think it will be really work if you get medicine from the dentist
Akan lebih manjur lagu kalu kamu dapat obat dari dokter gigi
Sulis :
Thank you for your opinion.
Terima kasih atas pendapatmu
Demikianlah penjelasan yang cukup singkat namun cukup untuk memberikan anda pemahaman yang baik tentang materi
2. Contoh Percakapan Asking and Giving Opinion
bahasainggris contoh percakapan asking-giving opinion-2 orang beserta-artinya/
Asking opinion atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia dikenal dengan menanyakan pendapat, sedangkan giving opinion dikenal dengan memberikan pendapat. Lazimnya, setelah seseorang menanyakan pendapat maka lawan bicaranya akan merespon dengan memeberikan pendapatnya yang bisa menggunakan kata awal I think (saya fikir), atau In my opinion (Menurutku), atau according to me (menurutku), I don’t think so (saya tidak berfikir demikian/seperti itu), dan lain sebagainya.
Sifa :
What do you think about Lampung?
Apa yang kamu fikirkan tentang Lampung?
Lisa :
In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches there. Lampung is also famous with its tapis or songket. It is traditional cloth in Lampung.
Menurutku, Lampung adalah kota yang indah. Disana banyak sekali pantai yang indah. Lampung juga terkenal dengan kain tapis atau sonketnya. Itu adalah kain tradisional di Lampung.
Sifa :
How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?
Bagaimana dengan makanannya? Apakah menurutmu enak?
Lisa :
I think… Yes! Do you know seruit? It’s delicious.
Kupikir… Iya! Apakah kamu tau seruit? Itu enak sekali.
Sifa :
Yes I know seruit. By the way… Which one is more delicious? Seruit or sate of mushroom?
Iya aku tahu seruit. Ngomong-ngomong… Mana yang lebih enak? Seruit atau sate jamur?
Lisa :
According to me, seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.
Menurutku, seruit lebih enak dari sate jamur.
Sifa :
I don’t think so. I think sate of mushroom is more delicious than seruit because sate of mushroom is my favorite food.
Kupikir tidak seperti itu. Kupikir, sate jamur lebih enak dari seruit karena sate jamur adalah makanan favoriteku.
Lisa :
hahaha so we have different favorite foods then.
Hahaha jadi kita punya makanan favorite yang berbeda.
Sifa :
I think so.
Sepertinya begitu.
Percakapan Asking And Giving Opinion Tentang Pelajaran Dan Jadwal Pelajaran
Lisa :
Sifa, do you think that English is difficult lesson?
Sifa, apakah kamu fikir bahawa Bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran yang sulit?
Sifa :
I don’t think so. I think there is no difficult lesson.
Aku tidak berfikir seperti itu. Kufikir tidak ada pelajaran yang sulit.
Lisa :
Sifa :
Yes, I think if we learn seriously, there is no difficult lesson. It’s depend on our seriously.
Ya, kufikir jika kita belajar dengan serius, tidak akan ada pelajaran yang sulit. Itu tergantung dengan keseriusan kita.
Lisa :
I don’t think so, in my opinion, it’s difficult because I hard to do every tasks that are given by our teacher.
Aku tidak berfikir demikian, menurutku itu pelajaran yang sulit karena aku selalu kesulitan setiap aku mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru kita.
Sifa :
According to me, it is because of you are lack of vocabularies. So, try to enrich your vocabulary then.
Menurutku itu karena kamu memiliki pemahaman kosa kata yang sedikit. Jadi, cobalah untuk menambah pemahaman mu akan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris.
Lisa :
Em… I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last class, right?
Em… Kupikir seperti itu. Ngomong-ngomong, Bahasa Inggris dikelas kita ada di jam terakhir kan di jadwal?
Sifa :
Yes. What do you think about it?
Ya. Apa yang kamu fikirkan tentang itu?
Lisa :
It’s good. There is no problem about it.
Itu baik. Tidak ada masalah tentang itu.
Sifa :
I don’t think so. I think if English is in the first class, it will be easier to do the lesson. I am hard to follow that schedule.
Kufikir tidak. Kufikir, kalau Bahasa Inggris ada di jam pelajaran pertama, itu akan lebih mudah untuk diikuti. Aku susah mengikuti jadwalnya.
Lisa :
But I think if we learn seriously, there is no hard in it. It’s depend on our seriously.
Tapi kufikir jika kita belajar dengan serius, tidak akan yang sulit untuk menjalaninya. Itu tergantung dengan keseriusan kita.
Sifa :
hahaha are you kidding me? That’s my words!
Hahaha apa kamu mengejekku? Itu kata-kataku kan?
Lisa :
I think so hahaha
Kufikir seperti itu hahaha
3. Expression bahasainggris pengertian contoh expression-bahasa-inggris
Ada berbagai macam expression atau ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris diucapkan dalam suatu kondisi tertentu. Misalnya, saat meminta pendapat, maka ungkapan atau expression yang digunakan adalah asking for opinion atau meminta pendapat. Atau saat akan mengajak teman untuk pergi bersama, maka expression yang digunakan adalah inviting someone. Berikut akan dijelaskan pengertian sekaligus contoh dari 18 expression dalam Bahasa Inggris. Let’s check it out!
1.Giving Attention (Memberi Perhatian)
Giving attention used to show our care or attention to other or someone.
Expression of giving attention such as:
Are you all right?
What’s wrong with you?
What happened?
Nice Dress!
Ana : Mirna, you look so pale. What’s wrong with you?
Mirna : My eyes may flat up again.
Ana : Poor you. Was it troublesome for you?
Mirna : It was. Last night I could hardly sleep.
2.Offering Service/Help (Menawarkan Jasa/Bantuan)
Offering Service/Help used to offer service/help to others. (Offering Service/Help digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.)
Offering Service/Help
What can I do for you?
Can I help you?
Can I do something for you?
Do you want something to eat?
Shall I get you something to read?
Accepting Service/Help (Menerima jasa/Bantuan)
Thank you.
That’s very kind of you.
Thanks (very much).
Refusing Service/Help (Menolak Jasa/Bantuan)
No, thank you.
That’s very kind of you, but …
Thank you for offering, but …
No, it’s all right, really.
No, really, I can manage (thanks).
Mr. George is cleaning his garden. He uses many gardening tools such as sickle, hoe, spade, and big scissors. Billy is offering a help.
Billy : “what are you doing, Dad”
Mr. George : “I am going to plant some vegetables”
Billy : “can I help you?” (offering)
Mr. George : “yes, please clean the soil from the grass after I hoe” (accepting)
Billy : “Certainly, Dad”
3.Giving Suggestion (memberi saran)
Giving Suggestion:
Why don’t you …?
We’d better have a break for lunch now.
I think you should …
Perhaps you need …
It’s a good idea.
That’s a good idea.
You’re right.
Good idea.
Benny : I’m going to do my office assignment.
Rose : But it’s a lovely day, dear. Why don’t we go for a walk?
Benny : Can you wait for a few minutes? I have to finish my letter.
Rose : Don’t take too long.
4.Requesting Something (Meminta sesuatu)
Requesting Something:
Would you mind explaining once again?
Would you pass me the ketchup?
Do it for me, please.
Can I have a glass of drink?
Not at all.
Here you are.
Sorry, I can’t.
Benny : Whose book is this?
Rose : It’s mine.
Benny : May I borrow it? I do really want too read it.
Rose : Here you are.
5.Asking for and Giving Advice (Meminta dan Memberi Nasihat)
Asking for advice:
Do you think I should …?
What do you think I should do?
Giving advice:
You should save your money in a bank.
We think she ought to use her own style.
You’d better …
I think you’d better …
- Thank you.
- Thanks for your advice.
- A good idea.
- Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.
Sinta : I’ve got a headache.
Nina : You should go and see the doctor immediately.
6.Expressing Obligation/Non Obligation (Menyatakan Keharusan/Ketidak harusan)
Expression of Obligation:
All students must obey the school rules.
If you want pass the exam, you must study hard.
You’re sick. You have to see the doctor.
Your mother said that you had to go home now.
Expression of Non Obligation:
I don’t have to go home soon.
The workers must not have lunch at the canteen.
The child doesn’t have to do all the housework by himself.
Tina : Bert, what is our task?
Albert : Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temple.
Tina : Should we interview a certain number of them?
Albert : Well, about three or four are enough.
Tina : Should we present the result orally or in written?
Albert : Orally.
Tina : Okay, thanks.
7.Expressing Surprise (Menyatakan rasa terkejut)
Expressing Surprise used to express our surprise of thing that recently known by us. (Expressing Surprise digunakan untuk menunjukkan rasa terkejut atas sesuatu yang baru didengar atau diketahui.)
What a surprise!
That’s amazing!
That’s extraordinary!
Good heavens!
My goodness!
Are you serious?
You must be joking?
I don’t believe it!
Fancy that!
Listy : Do you still remember Ridwan, our friend in SMP? He is a physics teacher now.
Ratih : It’s really unbelievable! He didn’t like physics when he was in SMP, did he?
8.Expressing Pride (Menyatakan Rasa Bangga)
Expressing Pride:
I am very proud of you. You are the winner of the biggest competition of this year.
I feel proud of my brother. He is one of the candidates in Physics Olympiad.
Teacher: why are you late?
Bimo : Well, there was a car accident on my way here. I needed a few time to bring the victim to hospital.
Teacher: So, it means you help the victim, didn’t you?
Bimo : Yes, miss.
Teacher: I am proud of your willingness to help others. But, please don’t come late next time.
Bimo : Sure, miss.
9.Expressing Capability/Incapability(meyatakan kemampuan/Ketidakmampuan)
Capability means ability to do something.
(Capability artinya kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal.)
Capable is having the ability to do something; an adjective of persons.
(Capable artinya mempunyai kemampuan.)
Incapable means do not have ability to do something.
(Incapable berarti tidak memiliki kemampuan.)
Although my father is 60 years old, he is still capable of driving a car well.
They think I have the qualifications needed for this job.
Andra is able to draw anything well.
You don’t know anything about making a good writing.
I don’t think you have the ability to do this work.
I am incapable of speaking French.
The girl knows nothing about chemistry.
Tere : There’s something wrong with my computer. Can you fix it, Jean?
Jeanny : Oh, I am sorry. I know nothing about it. But let me phonr the computer technician.
10.Asking for an Apology (meminta maaf)
Asking for an apology used to show forgiveness of faults. (Asking for an apology digunakan untuk menyatakan maaf atas suatu kesalahan.)
Sorry, I could not visit you.
We apologize for ourlate arrival.
I am really sorry about that.
It’s all right.
Never mind.
No problem.
Forget it.
No worries.
Take it easy.
Devi : Where have you been? You know what! I have been waiting for you for almost an hour!
Jack : Sorry, but the boss wanted me to finish the letter first.
11.Expressing Pleasure/Displeasure (menyatakan rasa senang/tidak senang)
Expression of pleasure:
I’m so happy hearing the news.
I’m delight/excited.
How happy to meet you here.
I’m very pleased with the services.
It’s a pleasure to be with you again.
Expression of displeasure:
I feel bad about this.
I’m really sad to see the situation.
The jokes didn’t make me happy at all.
Nadya : Guess what! Our team has won the Physic Olympiad!
Boy : Wow, it is really good news.
12.Expressing Agreement/Disagreement (Menyataan persetujuan/ ketidaksetujuan)
Expression of agreement:
I agree with your opinion.
I can go along with that.
I think so.
I am with you./I am on your side.
I like your idea.
Expression of disagreement:
I disagree with you./I am not with you.
I can’t go along with you.
I don’t think so.
No, I don’t like the idea.
Nando : What should we give to Nia on her birthday? Should we give her a kind of doll which most girls like?
Vicha : I don’t think so. She prefers boys’ activities, you know.
Nando : um… what if we buy her a chessboard?
Vicha : Good idea.
13.Expressing Sympathy (menyatakan simpati)
Expressing sympathy used to show our sympathy to someone of event that happen to them, good news or bad news. (Expressing sympathy digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atas suatu kejadian, baik kabar menggembirakan atau tidak.)
Expression of sympathy to something pleasure:
I’m very glad to hear that.
Nice to hear that.
I’m happy for you then.
How Exciting!
Expression of sympathy to something displeasure:
- I am (very) sorry to hear that.
- Please accept my condolences.
- I know how you feel.
- You must be very upset.
- How awful!
- That’s too bad.
- How terrible!
Thanks./Thank you.
You’re right.
Tiara : Why do you look so upset?
Adit : It’s been a hard day today. It was raining when I went to school. It was difficult to get a school bus. IO had to wait for 20 minutes before the bus came.
14.Expressing Likes/Dislikes (Menyatakan rasa suka/tidak suka)
Don’t mind
Like, (be) fond of
Love, (be) crazy about, (be) mad about,
We don’t mind waiting for you here.
I like grapes and apples.
I love singing.
I adore Tom Cruise as my favorite actor.
Can’t stand, can’t bear, detest.
We can’t stand our boss. He is arrogant.
I hate a careless man.
I dislike watching a war movie.
Bogy : Do you enjoy Italian food?
Josep : Yes, it’s my favorite food.
15.Inviting Someone(Mengundang seseorang)
Inviting used to ask someone to do something or invite someone to go to a place or event. (Inviting digunakan untuk mengajak seseorang melakukan sesuatu atau mengundang seseorang kesuatu tempat atau kegiatan.)
Generally, invitation’s form has formulas (Umumnya, invitation dinyatakan dengan):
Let’s + be + adjective (Let’s be smart!)
Let’s + Verb + Noun (Let’s speak English!)
I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
Can you drop by my house after school?
Would you like to attend the meeting?
All right.
I’d love to.
I’d be happy/glad to accept.
Yes, I’d be delighted to.
Yes, that would be nice.
I am sorry I can’t.
I’d like to, but…
I am afraid I can’t.
Sorry, I have to…
No, let’s not do it.
I’m afraid I’m bussy.
Richo : Hello John. What’s new with you?
John : Brenda, my friends and I are going to skiing this weekend. Would you dare to join us?
Richo : Of course.
16.Asking for, Giving and Refusing to give permission (Meminta, memberi, dan menolak member izin)
Asking for permission
Can I …?
Could I…?
May I…?
Would it be all right if I enter the office?
Do you mind if I sit here?
Would you mind if I use your HP?
Giving for permission
Yes, you can.
Of course.
By all means,
No problem.
Refusing for permission
I’m sorry you can’t…
I am afraid not…
Tom : It seems that you need something.
Vina : My computer doesn’t work well. May I use this computer?
Tom : Sorry, I haven’t finished typing my document.
Girl : Dad, may I use your motorcycle? I’d like to return Tina’s book.
Daddy : Sure. Just be careful.
17.Expressing Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction (Menyatakan rasa puas/ tidak puas)
Expressing Satisfaction
I’m very pleased with…
I’m so happy about this.
What a beautiful story.
It gives me great satisfaction…
I can’t think anything better.
Expressing Dissatisfaction
It is disappointing that…
What an awful meeting!
It’s not as good as I thought.
What else do you think I should do?
Putra : Maria, did you type this letter?
Maria : Yes, sir. Anything wrong with it, sir?
Putra : Yes, you did it very carelessly this time.
Maria : I really apologize, sir. Let me retype the letter.
Putra : Okay, just do it.
18.Expressing Opinion(Menyatakan pendapat)
Asking opinion
What’s your view/opinion?
What do you think/feel?
What about…?
What is your reaction to…?
Do you have any opinion on?
Don’t you think…? (very polite)
What are you feeling about…?
Giving opinion
From where I stand, …
Well, to mind, …
I’m convinced that …
I consider …
Patrick : We went to Bandung yesterday. We spent our time shopping.
Lidya : So what do you think about Bandung?
Patrick : It’s a good place for shopping.
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