Jumat, 01 Desember 2023































 The composition of English language learning tools for middle schools has often not utilized the instrctional technology approach and only used approaches related to the educational discipline of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). English language learning materials in several middle schools in East Java also do not provide audio media-based activities for practice of listening skills. This article is the research results of the Borg & Gall research and development model which aimed to develop, validate, and test textual learning materials aided by audio recordings to develop the English-language competency of middle school students. The results of the development showed that audio media was proven to be e ectively capable as sca olds that play a role as learning aids. Audio media provides sound input that guides students to imitate the audio with accurate pronunciation. In addition, audio media input can also be comprehensible for students in accordance with the Input Hypothesis Theory of Krashen that states that those learning languages at “level i” should obtain comprehensible input at “level i + 1” or slightly higher than the current level, and this theory of Krashen is identical to the zone of proximal development (ZPD) theory of Vygotsky. This development also resulted in a learning design which applied the audio lingual communicative (ALC) strategy which is eclectic in its combination of two language learning strategies, which are the audio lingual method with communicative language teaching (CLT). The application of this method was appropriate with the Indonesian classroom context where the number of students in a classroom is on average 40 pupils or more.



Pengembangan bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah menengah pertama selama ini sering kali tidak menggunakan pendekatan teknologi pembelajaran dan hanya menggunakan pendekatan disiplin ilmu pendidikan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing atau teaching English as a foreign language/TEFL. Selain bahan ajar bahasa Inggris di beberapa sekolah menengah pertama di Jawa Timur tidak menyediakan bahan penyerta berupa media audio untuk latihan keterampilan menyimak (listening). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian 











































I     INTRODUCTION a. Short Description

This teaching material is created based on problem based learning focusing on procedure text: recipe. In this module you will learn procedural texts related to the making of food in the context of everyday life. Listening to and distinguishing procedure texts related to recipe and using them in the form of structured exercises and getting used to applying them in everyday life is the key to achieve this basic competency.

The teaching material on how to organize information about asking and giving information related about related procedure texts is stated on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No.24 of 2016 concerning Core Competencies and Basic Competencies.

Basic Competencies 3.3 (Knowledge)

Distinguish social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several oral and written procedural texts by providing and requesting information related to recipe, short and simple, according to the context of their use


Basic Competencies 4.3 (Skill)

Compiling procedural texts, oral and written, in the form of procedure text related to recipe, taking into account social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in context




a. Definition of Procedure Text: Recipe

Do you understand what procedure text is? Have you ever read any procedure texts? Do you know the function of procedure text?

Have you ever cooked something based on a recipe? Does it help you in cooking? Do you know what exactly a recipe is? 

Procedure texts are found in many daily lives and are very important to study because they are useful in your life. A procedure text aims at describing how something is done or made through a sequence of actions or steps. 

Recipe is a kind of procedure text about how to make or cook food with the

ingredients. We can also say that recipe is the method or steps in  cooking food.

b. Generic Structure

Every text has different structures. The structures of the text will be different depending on the goal of the text. The structures represent the information to the reader. The followings explanations are the generic structure of procedure text in form of recipe.

      Goal/ Aim. It gives information about what to make, usually placed as the title of the text.

      Materials/ Ingredients: list of materials/ ingredients used to make or cool food with their measurement.

      Method/ steps. This part of the recipe explains the sequenced steps in cooking food.

c. Social Function of Procedure Text: Recipe

The social function of procedure text is giving information about certain procedures or showing some tips on how to do something. According to Dian Rahmawati, 2020) procedure text provides information/ instructions on how to achieve the best results efficiently, avoiding accidents, damage, waste, etc. The purpose of procedure text in form of recipe

      To describe how food is made in sequenced steps.

      To provide a series of steps in sequence that explain the readers how to cook food while allowing them to reach the outcome successfully

      The communicative purpose of the text is to tell the steps of cooking food.

d. Language Features

To create a good recipe text, you may consider using the following language features of a recipe:

1.      Noun or noun groups

A noun is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things. Noun or noun groups in recipe are used in the listed materials or equipment. For example bowl, rice, glass, etc.

2.      Conjunctions

Conjunction is a word to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. Conjunctions in recipe are used to show chronological order. For instance before, while, then, after, etc.

3.      Action verbs

Action verb, as you have guessed, is a verb that expresses an action. Any verb that describes what someone or something does is an action verb. An action verb can be physical or mental. For example; cut, mix, stir, put, etc.

4.      Imperatives

An imperative sentence gives a command. It usually ends with period but it may also end with an exclamation point. Commands ask or tell people to do something. For example: add some sugar, mix the ingredients, cut the onion.

5.      Adverbial

Adverbial is word or phrase functioning like an adverb. There are two types of adverbial that are commonly used in recipe. First is adverbial of sequence which is used to add detail information about the sequence. For example first, second, finally, etc. In addition, another adverbial is used to express detail of the time, manner, or place. For example: for five minutes, for an hour, in three minutes.

6.      Vocabulary

Vocabulary that is commonly used in recipe ranges from technical to everyday language according to the target of language. Emphasis is often given to important information by underlining it or writing it in bold.

7.      Language

The language in recipe is supposed to be clear and precise. However, detailed language is needed especially in methods section

8.      Tenses Present tense is generally used in recipe.


     III.         CLOSING

a. Summary


This part describes you about a brief description of procedure text spesifically recipe.

Procedure text is the text which gives the steps or procedures on how to do something. Generally speaking, a recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something. There are two different social functions of recipe, they are as listed in the following explanation; Recipe is used to describe how food is completely made or cooked through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of recipe is to describe how food is completely made through a sequence of actions or steps.

Do you know that recipe usually has three sections? There is an introductory followed by a list of materials that will be needed to complete the procedure. The final section is a sequence of steps. The followings are the generic structure of recipe”

-       Goal/aim

-       Ingredients -     Steps/Methods


Do you still remember about the language features of procedure? These notes will help you to memorize its language features easily:

-       Using imperatives

-       Using simple present tense

-       Using adverbial of sequence

-       Using noun or group of noun

b. Reflection


To review your understanding about what you have studied in this modul, consider the following questions:

1.      How can you define recipe?

2.      What are the social functions of recipe?

3.      How is recipe structured?

4.      What are the language features commonly found in recipe?

5.      Can you create a good recipe? 6. Is created recipe understandable?








1.       LKPD

2.       Gambar 

3.       Slide PPT

4.       Video Youtube

-        How to make a delicious chinese fried rice recipe


-        How to write procedure text cara membuat procedure text

(-Klik dan simak ya disini)


1.      LKPD

2.      Gambar 

3.      Slide PPT

4.      Video Youtube

-          How to make a delicious chinese fried rice recipe


-          How to write procedure text – cara membuat procedure text



1.      Perhatikan 3 video yang terah ditentukan!

2.      Apakah yang dirasakan setelah melihat video pembelajaran diatas

3.      Tuliskan membuat laporan yang dapat disimpulkan dari materi dalam video didepan kelas?










Alfari, Sabrina. “Procedural Text Berbentuk Food and Beverage Recipe.” 7 May 2018.


27 Jul. 2021. < https://www.ruangguru.com/blog/procedural-text-berbentuk-food- and-beverage-recipe>.

Saefurrohman. Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Modul 5: English for Practical Use.


Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2019.  

Wachidah, Siti, et al. Bahasa Inggris: Think Globally Act Locally. Jakarta: Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2018.





























































































A cup of cofee







                                                                                    A cup of hot tea









A glass of original orange juice

                                                                                    Instant noodle













         What is … ?




Procedure text is a kind of text explaining the steps of making or doing something.

Recipe is a kind of procedure text explaining how to cook or make food or drink.










































A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning:

1.      Peserta didik dapat menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur terkait dengan resep makanan/ minuman dengan tepat;

2.      Peserta didik dapat mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur terkait dengan resep makanan/ minuman dengan tepat;

3.      Pesert didik mampu membuat teks prosedur terkait resep makanan/ minuman pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan benar dan penuh tanggung jawab.

4.      Pesert didik mampu mempresentasikan teks prosedur terkait dengan resep makanan/ minuman pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan benar dan penuh tanggung jawab.





Work in group and answer the following questions about procedure text: recipe. Then discuss your answer with other groups!

1.      What is the definition of procedure text: recipe?

2.      What is the purpose/ social function of a recipe?

3.      Explain the generic structure of recipe text?

4.      What is the verb tense used in recipe text?

5.      What do you know about imperative sentence?

TASK 2                                                           

Read and compare the recipes below!         

Recipe 1                                                           




Recipe 2



Table of Recipe Comparison





Avocado Smoothie

































Imperatives (3 sentences)



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